A Monster Calls By Patrick Ness

I didn't like this book because it was a bit dark and I felt it was also depressing sometimes to read and too heart-breaking moments in the characters, but the story of the boy's mother was touching, but the plot of this book didn't really suit my interests, I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
2. The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins
2. The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

I didn't like this book because it was too violent and there was so much blood scenes it was a bit hard for me to get my head around the characters and what was going on and I felt the book didn't really move as much, I got a bit bored in some chapters or reading it because I feel some part were just a waste of time and I was expecting more of a romance feeling happening it took a bit longer to understand and the writing of the book wasn't that bad so I would give this book 3 out of 4 stars.
3. Harry Potter & The Goblet Fire By JK Rowling
I didn't like the cover on this book and the story was a bit hard to follow about Harry and how he got the scar on his head and I liked the writing in some ways I had to skip through some parts because I got a bit bored while reading the book and I recommend to those who are a fan of Harry Potter to please consider the art work of this cover I personally didn't like this book when I saw the cover I felt it was too scary for a kids novel and I don't know why JK Rowling let them do the cover like this because it might be a bit disturbing to the younger readers who are a bit new to Harry Potter and the Hogwarts adventures but If it wasn't the cover,I think I would love this forth book so,
I would give this book 2 out of 4 stars.
Thank you for listening to my views about the three disliked books, I have read before.
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