The story follows three friends Max, Leo, Elsa which know eachother from kids they're from Vienna states from 1936 and when the Nazi came it splits their friendship and lives forever making them go through tough challenges and problems that they never thought to be facing...
all I can say to this book is WOW! it was such an emotional book that would've made me cry because how Max father treated his friends was very unfair because Elsa and Leo were Jews and he Max isn't so there was a pressure that Max had to face because of his father hating his two best friends even though this was a middle grade Kessler knew how to capture my feelings for reading this one I felt Sad, Angry and scared, somehow shocked for how the grown ups behaved in this book it was also told in a true story so it was powerful and raw and honest for how these children we're facing and batting with feelings they couldn't express to anyone...
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