This story follows sixteen year old Niamh Hughes who is Irish and she arrives in London for summer and freedom but things don't turn out that way when she reaches there she feels someone is watching her and scarily they're all looking like her too...
I LOVED this book it was so gripping and somehow scary but the horror part didn't scare me too much and I felt to Niamh a lot as a main character because she have been battling with things not being right in her family and her grandma not feeling well I loved Jess the girl who becomes her friend she was someone who was also aware that Tommy the boy Niamh falls in love for wasn't what he seemed which showed the evdience to me at the end that people can pretend to be really sweet but inside them their intentions are more bad and stronger I feel Murphy nailed the head for me with her debut I can't wait to read her new releases because I adored this one so much!
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