This book talks about a eleven year old boy called Murph Cooper, who gets sent to the wrong school, by his mum and all his friends are superheroes apart from him. he realised the school was different to his old ones he went to in the past, they had to fight the evil Nektar and his evil servants, him and his friends had to destroy him and save the school too to be superheroes including himself became a Hero just for a normal with powers and how he showed to the school he was someone who belong there and had a power like his friends Murph's friends were Hilda, Billy, Mary, Nellie. I loved this book so much, because there was a lot of adventure and I was really into the drawings and the story of Murph, which made me laugh and feel tearful, I enjoyed how each one of his friends had super powers. I liked the plot twists and how mysterious, it was and how he manage to go back to school and his friends knew he is hero for being normal and he showed the school how much a great per...