The story follows about a girl called Amberlee who wanted to spend valentine's with her boyfriend Oliver but things don't go the way Amberlee planned when she came home from work and found out her boyfriend Oliver was with another woman which was his former girlfriend he liked from when he and Amberlee were at school which made her kicked him out of the house and her best friend Justin came to her for comfort Amberlee then started growing a love for Justin her best friend which made her sister Alyssa approached on it feeling maybe Justin avoid being around Amberlee over the kiss the two of them had that night after seeing the band concert.
I actually enjoyed this book it was written as a novella due to Madden explaining she was having a hard time writing this book because of writing slumps she had but if it was longer I would love to see the relationship between Amberlee and Justin throughout the book, I thought they're a sweet couple to read about but I also wanted to thank Madden for thanking me in her acknowledgements when writing this book it means a lot when I support an indie author for their book because I think reading different voices and stories are so important.
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