This book made me felt like Ms Bynum was my best friend because the truths of everything she spoke about was so powerful and raw they're times I choke up tears because of how sad it was in how she got treated in her life growing up it makes me understand how her time was different from today and the naive thoughts she had been a teen against sex because she went into the pit with a innocent mind not knowing the dangers she was putting herself into the way she captures how God saved her from all of it was the most raw and honest thing I've heard in this book she made me understand so much in the marriage and sex world because being a young Christian who is never married it sometimes hard to relate because I haven't been in that stage of life yet but it's interestng knowing from the bible point of view in this book how we humans were espically when it comes to the relationships and sex also married pointed out and how people were so taken up by Satan because of being so naive and blind of what's going on, i don't want to go too much to spoil it for anyone who haven't read it but I highly highly recomend that you pick this up because it's such a captive eye opener of a book!
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