We Follow the story of two main characters Penny & Sam, Penny is currently living with her mom when she gets a course to become a writer so she went to Texas and also meets her flatmates Jude and Mallory however Penny started writing a story about a baby who lost her mother which was related by a video game and throughout the whole course journey. she meets a guy called Sam who is the uncle of Jude the two of them became closer when Sam had a panic attack through his ex girlfriend Lorraine since she was having the baby, we learn the two of them never had good terms so Sam and her argue a lot in the book then Sam broke up with her then he and Penny connected more through texting each-other and Sam called Penny his Emergency Contact because if it wasn't for her no one would have saved his life.
I actually struggled a lot reading this book that I wanted to Dnf because the writing style just wasn't for me they're times I just found the beginning so slow and boring but I wanted to continue the book to see how it goes I just felt there could have been some humor the story felt too dull and flat for me I loved how Choi added social media and texting to give the book some interesting plot-line or it would feel very plain to read but apart from that I loved it in the end.
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