This follows the story of fifteen year old Hope living with her sisters and one brother, her family are rich people but her mother is sick and her dad is filming so it made life for Hope a bit of a Distance then she meets this boy at the train station in London called Jamie, they connected quite quickly and Jamie told her he's leaving to go back to school, which makes Hope feels if she can go to Los Angeles she can be with Jamie and also bring her dad back to her mother. but things didn't turn out that way and it turned Hope world and movie scenes of her and Jamie upside down because Jamie didn't feel for Hope like she did for him and Roz was one of her Dad's friends spoke to Hope to calm things down for her.
I didn't really feel this book as hoped some parts made me felt bored and I kind of felt "Geek Girl" References in this book due to the "Ice cream Boy" and I actually didn't understand much of Hope's character at times, I found her being so much like a drama queen, but I did adore Jamie and her brother Max, maybe the girls as sisters they weren't really for me.
Thank you for listening
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