This book is focus on two young people called Elliot and Catherine, they're both going through some struggles and Catherine is trying to cope with life behind her mother's depression things got worst when her father died but Elliot discovers Catherine in a tree seeing going through Grief but Catherine hated Elliot when he leaves without goodbye and Elliot Mother didn't like Catherine's family so two years later Elliot returns back to Catherine and explains everything to her why he left without saying goodbye Catherine then falls her love back for Elliot and everything sets off alright until Presley was missing but later in the book she was found dead by Duke one of the guest that lived in the mysterious bed and breakfast in Juniper.
I really loved this book and how it spoke about young love it was very different to anything I have read in a long time but sometimes I couldn't stand Catherine's Character at times because I felt she needed to toughen up and deal with things because girls in reality even though we cry at times, We are more stronger to deal with deep stuff, but I loved the mystery in this book too they're some deep topics which include Mental Health and Racism plus Abuse.
Thank you all for listening.
Wonderful review! I enjoy reading your thoughts :)