The Story focuses on Three Siblings Grace, Maya & Joaquin they're all with foster parents struggling to find who they are and their real mom.
so we start of learning about Grace a sixteen year old teen mom who gave up her baby peach for an adoption since her own mother did the same to Grace herself. the whole world turns upside down for her throughout the pregnancy of her baby since her boyfriend Max at the time forgot about her and the baby.
now we have Maya the loudmouthed younger sister and she's actually a lesbian with a girlfriend called Claire and their relationship didn't turn out very well throughout the book and Maya parents are struggling her mom is drunk and end up going to rehab Maya also hates her younger sister Lauren she can't stand because she finds her so much as a baby.
then we meet Joaquin their seventeen older brother, he is almost eighteen in three months, Joaquin has been struggling with the whole fostering parent system for a long time he loves his new parents Mark and Linda, but he doesn't know how to express his feelings about it and he also had a girlfriend called Birdie they broke up in the book.
The Problem I had with this book was I couldn't stand Maya their younger sister, I found her quite annoying throughout the book and I did enjoy the sibling bound they had for each other I find Robin really wrote that part really well, but I didn't find anything super exciting about this book because I've been writing a lot, I didn't have time to read it and I felt the story now is going on forever so I had to put DNF (Did not Finish) Tag on this review.
Thank you all for listening
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