This book talks about a seventeen year old boy called Jack Penman, who struggles from bullying at his old school Charlton Academy, when he arrives at his new school St. Joe's and makes some new friends, called Austin, Ava, Sai they one day plan to make something new to the social media world, Generation Next was born and the friends plan how it's all going to work out, Jack also falls in love with a girl he meets in his media class called Ella, whilst she has a boyfriend called Hunter, they have been on and off relationship together, Ella never mentioned it to Jack, she also reveals to him, that she went through bullying as well as Jack did, Sai tried to warn Jack that Ella and Hunter were actually dating, but Jack himself, didn't listen, Jack also goes through the struggles of his mum going through breast cancer and that she was having treatments, the whole world came crushing down for Jack, where he has to learn to man up and fight against people like Callum, known as Hunter evil uncle, who plans for Jack to sign some contract papers, so Generation Next can be destroyed and Jack, didn't give that chance away, things soon cleared up for Jack, he's was now in a happier world with Ella, most of all his best friends had his back through the good and the bad.
I really enjoyed the book, I related to how Jack was an only child, the struggles of being a teenager not everything, you want to reveal to your friends and how Jack kept so many things to himself, which really played a big part in the book, I felt the challenges were so raw and true, which really spoke from a teenage voice and how his parents loved their son, and want him to be a good boy, Jack learns how to be tough against people who hated him because he realised he couldn't be a little boy anymore, he was a man for the age of seventeen, he struggled to get liked by a girl because he never dated before, but when he met Ella, everything changed, I liked how he went to another school and met this new cool group of friends, then they became the next social media platform called Generation Next, which I find pretty cool and wondering having friends like Jack, I adored Jack for the life he went though it was relatable and touching for me while reading it, I hope to read book two Generation Next The Takeover to find out more about Jack and his friends and Ella.
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