The story focuses on a thirteen year old eighth grader called Chase Ambrose, who's mind just went out of the window last summer when he fell down from his roof and he has amnesia so he doesn't know who he is or the things he use to be before his illness, Chase actually use to be a bad boy and his friends remember him from those times, but since the incident they discovered Chase is not the same boy they knew before and Chase is trying to remember who he is or what he is because everyone at school made his illness popular among him. I found this book a little bit confusing because of all the different point of views and the were times, I felt a little bored of the book it kind of feels like One Memory of Flora Banks for me in a boy version, but I kind of didn't feel this book very much, sometimes it wasn't interesting as I thought it would be and I also found Chase's dad to be a little annoying and not understanding of his son's illness and most times it ju...