Guys this basically, I went on a Hiatus from the blog so I haven't been posting is such a long time please forgive me for this long absence of mine, I promise I am buying some books for next year, I've basically been on Moshi Monsters this kids pet game and I've also been on my bookstagram- which I am going to leave here: Word.Addictxo follow me if you want too and mostly I have been looking for new books too, another big news my book is soon coming, Yes I'm proud to announce the step love will be out soon so we all can't wait for that and out of all Christmas is coming so I am trying to make this blog a bit Christmasy for the festive time of the year, I just want to thank everyone for looking around this book has helped me so much with isolating and loneliness because I get to express my love for books every time and enjoy being an inspiration to those who don't know me well that's it for now, I'll bookish blog when I get some new books byee! xo...