this story follows an only child boy called Tom to his mother, who's his mother remarried and he has a stepsister called Nia and a stepbrother called Aaron they all planned to move out of their old home and find a new house to live which they did but Tom starts to find things about the house he didn't agree with and starts to look into it,when a girl arrives at his school called Amy Tom then forms a relationship with her but wasn't liking how her parents are when Tom met them for the first time and the clues and mysteries about this new house still went on for Tom.. Ralph nailed this book for me I loved it more than are you watching? because he knows how to capture the cases and make his characters feel like real people every time you read his work unfold I loved Tom as a character also being an only child myself it was nice seeing that rep being in the story and having step siblings made the story more interesting if Vincent Ralph writes a third book I would surely pick ...